AI Art & Stories

In my work, the story isn’t mine—it's yours.
The story is always best when spark(l)ing something beyond the image

In this awfully AI-driven world, we still need humans on the driver's seat. Actually, we need it more than ever. We desperately need empathy, laughter, beauty and joy—a connection, through a story.

Human Driven Digital Art

Reinterpretation of classical art in modern settings. Who are we today? 

Our civilization seen from the very birthplace of humankind.

The things we pretend not to see.

I love AI as an art partner, and I advice my little helper with the  and as much as I love, I love art what goes beyond aesthetics.

How I work to get just the right photo what tells all the layers of the story.

With experience of 25 years: advertising, concept & service designing, storytelling.

Get In Touch!

inga.roning (at)